Detroit, Michigan in May 1902 had just celebrated its bicentennial, was America’s 13th largest city (& growing) and had a huge community of immigrants (12% of the population didn’t speak English, the highest percentage in the US). It would later become the Motor City, but even then, Detroit was the world’s largest manufacturer of heating and cooking stoves, built ships, produced cigars and tobacco, pharmaceuticals, beer, rail cars and heavy equipment. The city directory boasted of improvements in roads, water supply, street cars, public lighting and the number of books in its public library. Detroit was a city on the move.

Why is May 1902 in Detroit relevant? That’s roughly when George Sznarwakowski was conceived, probably in Detroit. He was born February 17, 1903. Papa – Robert Francis Sznarwakowski – barely knew his father. George died at 27 years old just before Papa’s fourth birthday.
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