Monday: Trim for two remaining kitchen windows. Painters caulked, sanded and primed new trim. Continue reading Week 15: Skylight, paint, trim, skylight?
Monday: Trim for two remaining kitchen windows. Painters caulked, sanded and primed new trim. Continue reading Week 15: Skylight, paint, trim, skylight?
June 8-12
Monday: Windows delivered. Taper arrives mid morning -just one person, not a crew (he was sent on another job first). Continue reading Week 13: drywall taping, window installation
Not entirely that, but a flyer from a realtor who sells a lot in our neighborhood mentioned that homes that had been updated – i.e. de-oaked – sold well. The house was built in 1993 with plans developed in the 1980s and it’s showing its age in all sorts of ways. Continue reading What’s wrong with the kitchen?
In addition to slideshows of pictures of work in progress, I thought I’d summarize work week by week, and this seemed like a way to do it.
It’ll take me a bit to catch up with the work to date (we started March 16th by demolishing the kids’ bathroom), but after that, I’ll try and keep this updated at least weekly with how things are going.
Here’s a link to the galleries of remodeling pictures – how things looked before we started and what’s been going on in each area. Continue reading 2015 remodeling project