Monday: Trim for two remaining kitchen windows. Painters caulked, sanded and primed new trim.
Bonus room skylight partially installed (not programmed to open yet). Interior trim work needed to cover the wood and underlay on the roof.
Flashing for one skinny skylight was shipped, not two (which I guess Westhill didn’t realize as I asked if the delivered flashing looked right when it arrived Friday). It’s a custom order item, so it’ll take a few days (possibly end of this week) to get here.
Even with just one light in the dark corner of the room, the difference is striking. I am unreasonably excited at the new views and additional light…
Cap on back stair lower handrail (the one that was 2 inches too short for current code) and it’s a lovely modern look. Casing added around the hallway side of the mud room door. Casing around both sides of the hall bathroom pocket door.

Tuesday: Casing around master bathroom windows and pocket door to bedroom. Pocket door fixed so it closes and locks. Apparently the whole mechanism is crooked, so it’s been angled to have the door meet the jamb and the lock mechanism moved down half a inch. Sanded and with a new coat of paint and no one will be any the wiser!

Our lead carpenter made the odd shaped shelf base for area around toilet. There will be two triangular shelves above at the back and two underneath.
Trim in kitchen and family room gets first coat.
Wednesday: Trim in kitchen & family room gets a second coat. Sanding, caulking and other prep in bonus room and master bathroom. I didn’t take any pictures Wednesday because nothing looked any different (even though lots of work was done 🙂 )
Thursday: Weekly site meeting; the cost of the under stair pullouts does include the full extension glides (they’re not cheap) so we’re good to go. Kitchen cabinets get delivered next Monday. The hardwood floor patching (filling in holes where we moved things) sanding and first refinish coat is next Wednesday & Thursday, so we’ll be staying at the Residence Inn for a night or two.
Trim touch ups and painting walls & ceiling around trim in kitchen and family room. Lower family room cabinets and doors/drawers get first coat.
Exterior trim and siding around new windows finished.

Friday: Painting continues – rollers and brushes only at this point- hallway, kitchen, downstairs half bath and bonus room. The focus was the master bathroom, to get things ready for the tile installer on Monday . The hall bathroom got its trim painted too.
It’s unseasonably warm (92 projected high today) but the paint dries well.
Skylight flashing came in but needs to be picked up. Other two skylights will be installed next week 🙁
The morons at Lake Washington Window and Door (the ones who sent all fiberglass instead of Wood Clad with no screens and one missing window crank) sent the screens in a huge cardboard box with no packing or padding. They only sent two screens for the master bathroom awnings instead of three. I later thought I should check the size of the two larger screens for the kitchen and they’re the wrong size – the label on the side isn’t right plus the actual size is 4″ larger than what the label says. And they’re the wrong color.
I’ve asked for folding crank handles (as we have on the skywall window they sold us last fall) for the master bathroom because the rigid ones stick out too far to allow blinds. Given how much they have messed up, I’m hoping they will swap these out at no charge.